Monday, January 30, 2012

Walls & Floors

Floors = normal idea of a floor, but also use to create any other horizontal component needed eg. counter tops, balconies etc.

Walls = normal idea of a wall, but also use to create any other vertical component needed eg. boundary walls, sides of simple structures, plus also sides of roof elements as Revit doesn't do 90degree bits of rooves - you have to add a 'wall' then clad like the rest of the roof.
  • Top constraint (property) - use when you want walls to  extend all the way up over all levels, edit the top constraint (quickest method).
    • When using to create eg. bulkhead, use the offset function to add the walls so they appear correctly****
  • To reduce wall thickness, Edit type - Duplicate - give a new name - Modify - Match Type Properties - select (ie. like the paintbrush or style tool in Word).
  • Changing wall joins: Geometry - click the join tool then the wall then 'next'
    • advanced: if you want to edit the actual wall structure itself to fit better into, eg, a wall slab: Edit Type, Preview (so you can see the bit you want to change), Show section, Edit structure, Modify, Preview to check, Unlock...(eg. the different layers of the wall).
  • Split Face - changes the outside of the wall: an instance parameter change

Curtain walls
  • Select curtain wall in the properties area. Insert via the floor plan view - eg. starting at the floor you want it to appear first.
  •  Grids - just click on the curtain wall, then click Curtain Grid and start manually placing grid lines. You can then place mullions over these.
  • Curtain walls need 'Curtain wall doors' (only) - found in the door area down the bottom...
    • Select curtain section to place the curtain wall door Door - Load Family - Doors
  • To edit the glazing, Project Browser, Family, Curtain wall panels, System panels, Glazed
These offset negatively into the wall (ribbon option - offset eg. -50 for 50mm into wall, tick 'Extend into wall).

NB. if you COPY floors up to the next level:
  • it will not automatically offset negatively into the walls as wanted, you have to do this manually - Mode, Edit boundary *****
  • plus, they won't move with the walls if you subsequently decide to adjust the walls out/in etc. (but if you "create" them from scratch, they will).
NB. if you create 2 slabs in one sketch (eg. 2 balconies in the same floor sketch), these will copy together (very handy). Can join by Modify - Geometry - Join*****

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