Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Creating files for 3D printing or CNC!

3D Printing from Revit files

Need: Revit + STL plugin + Rhino (just to scale correctly)

1. Need plugin for STL exporting (free download from Autodesk site)
2. Make sure the model is 'watertight' and the walls will be at least 3mm (so for a 1:200 scale, a minimum of 600mm thick!). Make sure model is hollow so it doesn't cost too much (for 3D printing, otherwise don't worry)
3. Make sure you have the 3D view open in Revit and the scale you want exported (eg. 1:200)
3. Export as STL file (add-in menu item in Revit window)
4. NB. This exports your model in weird units (perhaps feet??) so have to open up the STL file created from Revit in Rhino (easiest option but probably could use 3dsmax), then scale:

Scaling in Rhino
  • draw a line of a face you know the measurement for, as it should be, when scaled eg. 108.85mm (line, enter, draw line using shift key to keep straight, type in the unit before you click the final point, click enter)
  • line up the model with this line (select, move using right mouse held down)
  • select model
  • click scale icon (or type in scale, enter)
  • click on first origin point of the side you are measuring, then the second, then the end of the new line you have drawn to the scale you need - this should scale it to the correct size
  • save as STL file
  • hey presto you now have a correctly scaled file ready for 3D printing! :)
NB. the university 3D print machine max size for output =  210x210mm with a Depth of about 250mm

CNC machine for typography

  1. Follow the revit steps as per above, for just the typography but don't need to worry about thicknesses of anything.
  2. Export as a DXF file - if using Rhino at uni, make sure the version is older eg 2007
  3. Open Rhino, open the file and the steps as above for scaling
  4. Save as the default Rhino file type and send to the CNC machine as is.

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